Category: Illness Prevention

Ups and Downs

Is it possible that ups and downs with respect to our health and well-being are yet another reflection of the ebb and flow of all things? Aren’t ups and …

Let the Flu Go Around You

Since mid-Fall TV commercials have been trumpeting the horrors of the “flu season”. “It’s never too soon to begin fighting this year’s bug” they blare. Public health announcements urge …

Fate Or Choice

We all know some people who get sick all the time. They’re just getting over one thing when here comes the next round of illness. We also know people …

Diabetes and Obesity

Like Scylla and Charybdis, the twin sea monsters of Greek mythology, diabetes and obesity are the twin medical monsters confronting America’s children. Diabetes and obesity have even been featured …

Avoiding Diabetes

The worldwide type 2 diabetes epidemic has been thoroughly documented.1,2 Yet despite extensive study and analysis, there has been little actual progress in slowing the spread of this chronic disease. …