Category: Mind-Body Connection

Self-Guided Imagery

Mindfulness techniques can assist a person substantially in achieving improved levels of health and well-being. These methods, including meditation and guided imagery, are gaining prominence as more traditional medicine …

Triple Axel

Mao Asada, Silver Medalist in Ladies Figure Skating at the 2010 Winter Olympics, landed three triple axels in the competition, a feat no competitor had done before. There are …

Conservation of Energy

Renewability, sustainability, and energy conservation are all over the news. Every newspaper’s front page and every television nightly news program features sustainability daily. These are important issues, not only …

Cosmic Consciousness

For thousands of years, humanity has struggled to understand the place of men and women in the universe. All sorts of explanations have been brought forward, many proposing that …

Strike a Chord

Physicians and scientists have often called the human body a beautiful instrument. The sense in which this metaphor is applied is primarily mechanistic. The human body is a beautiful …

Your Brain and You

You are the lucky owner of a magnificent piece of biological machinery – the human brain. Your brain is always on, performs lightning-fast calculations, and is a whiz at …

Your Nerve System and You

Your nerve system is your body’s master communication system. Your brain – your body’s central processing unit – receives information from every other system. Information on sight, sound, touch, …

Your Personal Cloud

The concept of cloud computing has become a buzzword in recent years. The notion of “the cloud” originally referred to data storage. You could backup your computer files or …