Category: Staying Young

The Time Machine

The Macintosh operating system contains a subprogram called “Time Machine” that allows you to reset your status to any previously saved state. Provided that you have designated a location …

Your Spine 101

An adult human spine typically consists of 26 moveable segments: seven cervical vertebras, twelve thoracic vertebras, five lumbar vertebras, one sacrum, and one coccyx (tailbone). Intervertebral discs separate the …


Did you know that your spinal column’s spongy intervertebral discs (IVDs) comprise 25% of this segmented structure’s entire length? Did you know that an adult’s spinal column is approximately …

Forever Young

Most of us like to think of ourselves as young: young in heart at least, if not actually young in years. But is it possible to stay “forever young” …